Monthly archives for March, 2014

Tips for Vacation Rental Owners on Selecting a Twitter Profile Picture

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I know, I know… you’re thinking to yourself, “Do I really need to read an entire blog post about my Twitter profile picture?” Yes, you do. The Twitter world is a complex one. In order to succeed in it, there are certain things you need to do. The gut reaction of most VR owners who […]


Sorry! My “Friend” Threw up in Your Vacation Rental


Today I spoke with a vacation rental owner who owns a property in North Myrtle Beach, SC. We were discussing disgusting (say that five times fast!) rental stories. She told me a story of a particular guest whose “friend” did some nasty things in the house. NOTE: Might want to bookmark this article for later […]


The Vacation Rental Owner’s Rules of Engagement for Twitter

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Every single social media channel has a certain etiquette that needs to be followed. Twitter is no exception. When used properly, Twitter is direct marketing at its purest. Responding to someone’s tweet is basically talking directly to that person. In my post about using Twitter as a listening platform, I compared Twitter to a big […]

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